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Les Mémoires
Anonymous RIP July 20, 2013
I remember the first day I met you in CBN. All our gists remain in my heart. u were kind to me without ever knowing me. from that day you became my brother and friend. I love and miss you.
A Brother That Can Never Be Replaced
Where do i start from??
There are countless unending memories we've shared,Chuka.
I've known u almost my whole life.U've been a brother and a friend to me.
I miss u so so so much.
I'm still trying 2 convince myself to face the reality of what has happend,its jst so hard.
My heart keeps bleeding beacuse u left us too soon.
U had a very bright future ahead of u filled with so many plans & aspirations.
The only thing that makes me happy is when i think that u r in a much better with the one that loves u most.
I'm also thankful because I know I have a guardian angel watching over me.
I Love u bro & u'll forever have that dwelling place in my heart till we meet 2 part no more.
Rest In Peace With The Lord...
Les Mémoires Totales: 3
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